According to an article in the Daily Mail “Britain has the worst work-life balance in western Europe, research has revealed. A study has found that the UK has the highest proportion of employees working more than 50 hours a week. It means Britons spend 325 more hours at work than their German counterparts every year – giving them less time to relax and unwind. Scandinavian countries top the list of the world’s industrialized nations with the best work-life balance, while the United States, Japan and South Korea are languishing at the bottom.
Unfortunately, we hear this all the time with adults looking to start training! They fall into the misconception that we are just like the amateur clubs in our towns that only offer classes one or two days per week. When they discover they could access classes 6 days per week they normally join up straight away, but just occasionally we encounter, “well if you did a class at 8pm on a Sunday night for 30 minutes I might be able to make that!”
Adults looking to improve their work life balance need only commit to 2 classes per week – 2 hours!!! Find out more at
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