Dear Students and Parents,
At Tring Martial Arts Academy, the health and safety of our members, visitors and staff is our top priority. Here is an update on the actions we are taking to respond to Coronavirus.
Like many businesses in the UK, we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the information provided by Public Health England (PHE). We wanted to update you on the actions we are taking to respond to COVID-19 and to reassure you that we are prepared, with a clear action plan in place.
What are we doing doing?
In line with PHE guidance, we have increased the level of cleaning and hygiene in the dojo including:
– Increased frequency of cleaning to sanitise all equipment, especially high use areas such door handles, pads, gloves, mats, ipads and surfaces.
– Ensuring soap dispensers remain filled in all toilets
– Ensuring hand sanitiser dispensers remain filled and encourage members to use them. They can be found downstairs near the toilets and upstairs in dojo 2.
– Continuing to remind members of the importance of good hygiene in the dojo.
As a member, how can you help?
Tring Martial Arts Academy members are encouraged to help reduce the spread of illness through good personal hygiene. This includes frequent hand-washing during your visits and covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
We also kindly request that you familiarise yourself with the latest guidance from PHE and do not visit the dojo if you are displaying symptoms of COVID 19 and are advised to self-isolate. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, adapt our plans as necessary, and keep you updated on any changes. We thank you for your co-operation and look forward to continuing to welcome you to classes.
Should you need to miss classes due to self-isolation you are welcome to catch up missed classes throughout the next 6 months. If you have to miss a test during this period we can arrange a time / date for a private 1-1 or small group assessment. Should you need to self isolate, please inform us and we can send you a link to our online university where we will make our current phase of curriculum free of charge so you can continue to practice until your return.
Thank you in advance for your understanding, should you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to call us on 01442 795001.
Yours sincerely
Christopher Allen
Chief Instructor