Child Abduction Prevention Check List

HOME ALONE. Create rules that must be followed when your child is left home alone. Write them out and put them up. Go over situations that might come up and what he or she should do. Experts tell us: “When your child is left at home they should NEVER be allowed to open the door.” This same rule is applied to the phone when you are away. Predators are experts at talking their way into your home. ADULTS SHOULD NOT BE ASKING FOR ANYTHING FROM A CHILD. Adults do not have to ask children questions in the street; they should approach other adults. Adults do not have to seek out kids for help in asking for directions, to post mail, to assist with groceries, etc. Go over with your child the different lure scenarios, such as: mail lure, animal lure, toy lure, direction lure, and help me lure. For more information on these lures speak to Shihan Chris or Sensei Paula at your next TMA class EMPOWER YOUR CHILD. Teach your child no one (friends or family included) should approach or touch them in an inappropriate way, or in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. Empower your child to say “No” to uncomfortable situations with any adult. Reinforce the importance of great communication with you. ROLE-PLAY WITH YOUR CHILD. Role-play various situations. Make sure your rules are black and white. Your child should not have to make a judgment call in a dangerous situation, but instead should follow the clear, well thought out guidelines that you have established and discussed beforehand. PERSONAL FENCE. Teach your child about a personal fence—verbal and physical. Your child’s greatest weapon in any abduction situation is maintaining distance and making confident “Stay Away” statements. Teach your child which adults they should seek out in any emergency (policeman, check out assistant, moms/dads with kids, teacher). Teach your child to run for help if the situation is dangerous. GO CRAZY. Teach your child how to “go crazy” in an extreme situation. Make noise, yell out, “Help me! You are not my parent! This person is trying to hurt me!” Teach them to run like the wind if they are in danger. RULES WHILE PLAYING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Establish rules your child must follow when playing in the neighborhood: where they can and can’t go, whether or not they have to call you when going to any neighbor’s house, etc. Tring Martial Arts – helping to keep our kids safe – tel 01442 768057 Originally posted on – a free Personal Safety Initiative written by Christopher Allen.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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