Martial arts can be of benefit to those suffering from all manner of illnesses and the same is true of disorders on the autism spectrum. Whilst the severity of the conditions the term covers can vary greatly, the benefits can be felt by both adults and children alike. At Tring Martial Arts in Hertfordshire, we understand the far-reaching benefits of discipline, respect, and self-control that come with martial arts training, which is why we are so passionate about spreading the word. Autism Social interactions and communication are affected by autism, often with the sufferer experiencing obsessive or repetitive patterns of behaviour. There are numerous forms of martial arts that involve that same repetition in practising of techniques to achieve complete fluency and this kind of exercise has been seen to significantly improve Stereotypy (the measure of repetitive motions caused by autism). Kata Traditional Japanese martial arts use kata as the backbone on which to learn the technical patterns of movement required to perform defence and attack moves. When practiced regularly on a solo basis or in pairs, these techniques are proven to hugely benefit autism sufferers of all ages by consistently reducing stereotypy and by providing them with the tools to become a confident and balanced person. Inspiring An incredibly inspiring story was reported recently by autism charity body Autism Speaks on their website, and it tells a story of a lovely little chap called Ethan who after being diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum at the age of 3, went on to become a world martial arts champion. Through martial arts training, the young lad went from not being able to speak properly to a confident, disciplined and respectful young man whose peers were shocked when they found out exactly what he’d been able to overcome. It consistently offers an unmatched therapeutic effect for both adult and children sufferers of autism. If you would like to know more about the hugely beneficial effects on the mind and body of martial arts training, visit our website or give us a call on 01442 795001. Martial arts teaches self-control, self-awareness, discipline, and respect to anyone of any age or gender willing to learn. We look forward to talking with you.