Eat The Frog!!

Mark Twain once said that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long. Your “frog” is your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don’t do something about it.

Basically, if the worst thing you had to do each day was to take some regular exercise for your health OR as part of your upcoming Black Belt Test, surely you would “eat the frog” get it over and done with and then go about your day.  Seems, really simple right??

WRONG – its all about habit and routine.

On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances.  How long does it take to break a habit? Well the myth is that it took 21 days to change a habit. According to psychologists, while it may take approximately 21 days of conscious and consistent effort to create a new habit, it takes far longer to break an existing habit.

So if you’ve had an unhealthy habit, such as smoking or not exercising you need to be really strong for at least 21 days!!  That means eating that frog 21 times!!

Take a new path!  Join Tring Martial Arts Academy and let us help you establish a new habit!  No frogs will be hurt during training 🙂 !


About our programmes

Taster Class
in Tring

Students LOVE our taster class in Tring because they're so much more than self defense. Our classes help you get super fit, super fast and break a sweat every week. Plus, we're a big, goofy family here- you'll make tons of friends along the way!


Preschool Martial Arts
in Tring

Discover why parents love our Preschool Martial Arts Programme in Tring for ages 4-6. It's the perfect blend of gross motor skills, personal development, and character enrichment, and gives your little one an edge when they enter a busy school setting.


Kids Martial Arts
in Tring

Parents LOVE our Tring Kids Martial Arts (ages 7-12) programme because it teaches not only self defence, but also vital life skills like focus, discipline, respect, and more! Watch your child's confidence flourish and their grades improve with this awesome Child Greatness program.


Teen Martial Arts
in Tring

Combining confidence-raising fitness and life-changing self defence, our Tring Teen Martial Arts programme keeps your teen's wellness and happiness in mind. It's time to get your teenager active, making new friends and bettering themselves.


Adult Martial Arts
in Tring

Our Tring Adult Martial Arts programme combines next-level fitness with next-level FUN- no more boring workouts! It's time to switch up your routine and get the results you've been looking for in an awesome community of like-minded people.


Tai Chi
in Tring

Tai Chi embraces the body and the breath in a way you may have never experienced. As you challenge yourself and crush your goals… Your confidence soars. Try our Tai Chi classes for yourself with our risk-free trial!


Reality Based Self Defence
in Tring

Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, our classes offer a safe and supportive environment where you can train at your own pace. Learn how to deal with common threats such as physical attacks, armed assaults, and multiple opponents, using proven methods that work in real-life scenarios.


Summer Camp
in Tring

Discover why parents in Tring love our Kids Martial Arts Summer Camps. Give your child an experience they won't forget. Martial arts changes lives.


Birthday Parties
in Tring

When we say we have the best birthday parties in Tring, we mean it. Give your child the perfect party, while you enjoy a stress free day. Your child will thank you later, we guarantee it!