Shihan’s Self Belief Mindsets
Shihan – is a Japanese term that is used in many Japanese martial arts as an honorific title for expert or senior instructors. It can be translated as “master instructor”.
Mindset – the established set of attitudes held by someone.
Self Belief – to have confidence in ones own abilities and judgement.
Think Big & Don’t Listen To Those Who Say It Can’t Be Done – Life Is Too Short To Think Small
In 2011, along with Sensei Paula we went to take a look around the old Tring Brewery on the Akeman Business Park. (At the time of writing this is being converted into yet more housing). I remember after we left the premises I bumped into the owner of the garage next door. The garage was purchased from this owner by his staff shortly after my encounter with him. I remember we had a short conversation about what we intended to do and he replied something like, “martial arts club, that will never work”. We proved him wrong.
But that’s not the only person who has ever told me, point blank that teaching martial arts wouldn’t work as a business, many of these people have never ever run their own businesses so I could either listen to the naysayers or believe that it WILL work.
I wonder how many great ideas never get actioned because people say it won’t work?