Pre-Emptive Striking in Martial Arts: A Critical Look

adult karate class

By Shihan Christopher Allen, 6th Dan Black BeltWhat is Pre-Emptive Striking?In martial arts, self-defence is often considered the cornerstone of training. Among the many techniques and strategies, pre-emptive striking is one of the most debated and misunderstood tactics. For new students, the concept of striking before an attacker has physically engaged may feel counter-intuitive or […]

Empowering Children: The Vital Role of Martial Arts in Self-Defence and Confidence Building

In today’s unpredictable world, ensuring children’s safety and fostering their self-confidence are paramount concerns for parents and educators alike. As such, many are turning to martial arts as a holistic solution that not only equips children with self-defence skills but also cultivates a sense of empowerment and confidence. The journey through martial arts offers invaluable […]