In our first lockdown, we migrated quickly to online classes and many of our VIP’s (Very Involved Parents) came back with lots of great suggestions about how to get the most out of the online classes and ensure they remain motivated:
1. Try to make sure the room within which the online class is being performed is clear of siblings, pets or distractions.
2. They always perform better when they wear their uniform.
3. Younger students may struggle with motivation in their classes, by taking part with them, holding pads or encouraging them they will do better and gives an excellent opportunity to bond through a shared activity.
4. Sticking to a routine each week works better than an adhoc approach.
5. Children are present focused. They are very unlikely to want to take part in an activity if they are doing something they enjoy before it. Giving them a household chore to do before the activity is better than using it as a punishment for not wanting to do the activity. Plan for them to be tidying their room before the activity because when you say its time for martial arts they will be keen and eager. If they are doing something they enjoy when you say its time for martial arts they won’t want to do it, but then saying something like, “if you don’t do martial arts you are going to tidy your room instead” will lead to them resenting martial arts.